Look at this handsome son of a llama. This is Lee Ugg. My brother was the creative designer of… uhm… this. I told him I wanted an ugly male Sim that would woohoo as many female Sims as possible and he went for it, proudbly presenting 'this guy with a skintone that looks like cum' and stating that 'he would get more pussy than the entire IT-department of college'.
Yeah really. My brother is a rather creative human being.
So Lee's mission is to spread his 'perfect genes' through the neighborhood and impregnate as many chicks as he can before dropping dead. This is gonna be fun.

Almost immediately he hit it up with these sisters. They don't know they are impregnated by the same guy. Doesn't matter. Also the older one is arguably prettier imo. (That's the first girl. I believe her name was Roos) They both got pregnant, both with a son. After only one time woohoo'ing. Dunno, maybe Lee has been made for this (spoiler: he has).

After that Vladislaus came and sucked Lee dry. Innuendo intended. Look at that vampire walk too. That's how you steal girlfriends, Lee gotta master that somehow.

The next three chicks were humped without any vampire feasting on Lee's blood. The middle one, Eliza, was a pain in the ass to seduce but she ended up pregnant. Just like the other two.
Lee has five girlfriends now. At the same time. Drama might be coming real soon.
These are Lee's firsst sons! They're part brothers part nephews because why not right. Blondie is called Rafael, redhead is called Stan. They're not bad, but toddler faces are pudgy and they'll prolly get worse over time.
I decided to end here, Lee met 4 other chicks though, that he'll impregnate next time! Feel free to suggest shit I can do with this asswipe while we're at it.
See ya next time!