This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Sims 4 Spread The Ugly
Our hero, the most beautiful man nobody has ever wanted to see.
Our hero, the most beau­ti­ful man nobody has ever wanted to see.
Seriously, isn't he a bae?
Ser­i­ously, isn't he a bae?

Look at this hand­some son of a llama. This is Lee Ugg. My brother was the cre­at­ive designer of… uhm… this. I told him I wanted an ugly male Sim that would woo­hoo as many female Sims as pos­sible and he went for it, proudbly present­ing 'this guy with a skin­tone that looks like cum' and stat­ing that 'he would get more pussy than the entire IT-department of college'.

Yeah really. My brother is a rather cre­at­ive human being.

So Lee's mis­sion is to spread his 'per­fect genes' through the neigh­bor­hood and impreg­nate as many chicks as he can before drop­ping dead. This is gonna be fun.

After looking at Lee Ugg for the first time, her eyes stayed like that forever.
After look­ing at Lee Ugg for the first time, her eyes stayed like that forever.
Under the dark of bed covers, nobody can see your eyes burn.
Under the dark of bed cov­ers, nobody can see your eyes burn.
Girl, you need to see your optometrist, your glasses should be at least two times stronger.
Girl, you need to see your opto­met­rist, your glasses should be at least two times stronger.
May we have a minute of silence for this poor bed.
May we have a minute of silence for this poor bed.

Almost imme­di­ately he hit it up with these sis­ters. They don't know they are impreg­nated by the same guy. Doesn't mat­ter. Also the older one is argu­ably pret­tier imo. (That's the first girl. I believe her name was Roos) They both got preg­nant, both with a son. After only one time woohoo'ing. Dunno, maybe Lee has been made for this (spoiler: he has).

Sneaky sneak.
Sneaky sneak.
I don't think he needs any magical seducing, but oh well.
I don't think he needs any magical sedu­cing, but oh well.
Three times in a row proved to be a little bit too much.
Three times in a row proved to be a little bit too much.

After that Vladis­laus came and sucked Lee dry. Innu­endo inten­ded. Look at that vam­pire walk too. That's how you steal girl­friends, Lee gotta mas­ter that somehow.

Quick, look the other way before he noti- too late.
Quick, look the other way before he noti- too late.
The things beds have to go through.
The things beds have to go through.
She looks like she's on drugs. Probably explains why she agreed to do the do.
She looks like she's on drugs. Prob­ably explains why she agreed to do the do.
Save a bed, run away girl.
Save a bed, run away girl.
She can't even look at him, and yet.
She can't even look at him, and yet.
Maybe we should create a helpline for abused beds. This one really needs it.
Maybe we should cre­ate a helpline for abused beds. This one really needs it.

The next three chicks were humped without any vam­pire feast­ing on Lee's blood. The middle one, Eliza, was a pain in the ass to seduce but she ended up preg­nant. Just like the other two.

Lee has five girl­friends now. At the same time. Drama might be com­ing real soon.

These are Lee's firsst sons! They're part broth­ers part neph­ews because why not right. Blon­die is called Rafael, red­head is called Stan. They're not bad, but tod­dler faces are pudgy and they'll pro­lly get worse over time.

I decided to end here, Lee met 4 other chicks though, that he'll impreg­nate next time! Feel free to sug­gest shit I can do with this ass­wipe while we're at it.

See ya next time!

Series Nav­ig­a­tionLee Fucked Sim Girls And He Liked It >>

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