I had two votes, and ended up buying both items. Which one do you like best? I know what Lamia thinks:
Anyway, let's move on with this episode!
First off: a family photo.
Secondly: Our butler is becoming a scary vampire woman! She only drinks when she's thirsty enough to collapse a Sim from exhaustion. She's evil! I created a monster!
She went to a festival right after drinking. Ate some local food, used some fireworks… It was fun.
But, what I really want to use this episode for is for a household update! These are all my playable Sims as of now:
Ruby, our heroine. Or something like that.
Caleb, her fiancé and a pretty bad vampire. As in, being bad at being a vampire, not actually evil.
Lamia. Just like any other toddler. A handful.
The butler. Definitely evil.
And Akira! Our only normal Sim!
So, our next episode, who should it focus on? Guess what, you can choose! Next part I will only control ONE Sim for 24 Sim hours and this poll will decide who this will be! Vote away!
- Akira 67%, 2 votes2 votes 67%2 votes – 67% of all votes
- Caleb 33%, 1 vote1 vote 33%1 vote – 33% of all votes
- The butler 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes – 0% of all votes
- Lamia 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes – 0% of all votes
- Ruby 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes – 0% of all votes