Well, after this lovely demonstration of Ruby's pipe organ skills, I hereby start this episode!
I actually picked 'kill someone'. You'll find out why soon enough.
Ruby likes reading Lamia bedtime stories. Lamia's Fantasy skill is the highest she has right now. Pretty interesting.
Meanwhile, Caleb makes himself useful by repairing the dishwasher.
And going to the flea market, buying that ugly ass blue lamp. Fucking hell. He has no taste.
Remember our butler? I bet you do. Well, since turning a Sim counts as killing them, we actually got ourselves another butler.
Here he is! And… He's special.
Because the moment he cleaned the kitchen he died. From old age even. I dunno how the Sims does this, but, they generated this one to die immediately.
Ruby started chatting with the Grim Reaper, apparently they get it on quite well.
Aaaand we already got a new butler.
Who immediately got sucked dry, because our old butler was thirsty.
Meanwhile, Ruby was teaching Lamia to talk.
I never showed this, but this is Ruby meditating to get more vampiric energy. It looks really cool.
Bath time!
Lamia's favorite toy is a tentacle. Yes. A tentacle.
Alright, that's it for this episode. We actually saved up quite some money, so next poll is going to be about what we should buy with it! All of these are functional items that can add fun new things to the story. Feel free to add your own ideas too!
- Cupcake Machine 50%, 1 vote1 vote 50%1 vote – 50% of all votes
- Karaōke Machine 50%, 1 vote1 vote 50%1 vote – 50% of all votes
- Rocket 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes – 0% of all votes
- Pool 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes – 0% of all votes