This entry is part 20 of 26 in the series Dreamfic Series

Chapter 10: Strife! (part 3)

Yuugi didn’t even bother with the win­dow locks. He just smashed it to smithereens and climbed inside. His room was prob­ably the only one with decent light­ning. Not that he would’ve cared, he had great night vis­ion. But the room wasn’t dark and Yuugi could see the per­son in it clearly. Sit­ting on his desk instead of his chair and eat­ing a bowl of ice cream. He didn’t even notice Yuugi, which pissed the smal­ler one of. Yuugi wanted a boss battle, and a boss battle he’d get.

Yuugi clear­ing his throat was all it took. The man looked up at him, finally, and cocked his head to the side. “Yeah I heard you break­ing in but to be hon­est, I’m a little bit busy right now.”, he said. “With eat­ing ice cream? I never thought I’d say that but that’s ridicu­lous.”, Yuugi replied. “Ice cream sucks chocol­ate is way bet­ter.”, he added, smirking.

The man looked at him, with eyes that spewed fire from anger. “You didn’t just say that.”, he said, ready­ing his spoon as an appar­ent weapon. And Yuugi grinned.

Luna and Pavel heard a very loud ‘LEVEL UP!’ com­ing from the third room and knew that Yuugi suc­ceeded in get­ting the key. Just one moment later Yuugi opened the door and held up the key to show to his new friends. “That was awe­some!”, he said hap­pily. “Way bet­ter than every video­game boss I ever played!”

After a moment of silence, he added. “Maybe with the excep­tion of Groundshaker.”

Series Nav­ig­a­tion<< Spread.wav, Chapter 9Spread.wav, Chapter 11 >>

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