Lee Fucked Sim Girls And He Liked It

Lee Fucked Sim Girls And He Liked It

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Sims 4 Spread The Ugly

Look, that's Lee's spawn grow­ing right there. Demonic off­spring of Fuck­boy Ron­ald McDon­ald. Oh yeah, so Lee fucked five more Sims. I know I said I met four but num­ber five came knock­ing onto Lee's door just beg­ging for his seed and hey what's a man to do? First off, this chick. Her out­fit was hor­rible. Really not a mem­or­able fuck imo. … 

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A most beau­ti­ful man appears

A most beau­ti­ful man appears

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Sims 4 Spread The Ugly

Look at this hand­some son of a llama. This is Lee Ugg. My brother was the cre­at­ive designer of… uhm… this. I told him I wanted an ugly male Sim that would woo­hoo as many female Sims as pos­sible and he went for it, proudbly present­ing 'this guy with a skin­tone that looks like cum' and stat­ing that 'he …

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Haruki actu­ally loved his sis­ter. Even if she wasn’t always the nicest per­son around. Even if she some­times treated him like shit. Even if she found his interest in robot­ics a nerdy thing and con­stantly teased him about it. Haruki loved his sis­ter like a good brother, accept­ing all the parts he didn’t love. And that is … 

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She was a cute girl. At least, that was what most people thought when they first saw Hanami. How­ever, just like every­one, Hanami had a secret. And her secret might just change the way people view her. Quite lit­er­ally even. It all star­ted when her house­mate Joëll first brought over his boy­friend. He was a really nice guy, … 

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