Sen­pai noticed me

The sak­ura trees looked won­der­ful. It was the start of a new year of school. Koibito had been look­ing for­ward to this. Her body had developed itself dur­ing hol­i­day, so her uni­form didn’t fit as neatly as before. But that was okay. She didn’t worry about it. All she was think­ing about, was that one special … 

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One time there was a sexy Cactloid feel­ing sexy. But no-one else felt sexy, so he went out for a walk in the park. There, he found a box. And in that box, a puppy boy. "What is your name, puppy?", Cactloid asked. "Joëll.", the puppy replied. And Cactloid felt bad for the puppy, so he took him home. But … 

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