This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Sims 4 Spread The Ugly


Lilith brought Caled over, and I decided to let Lee experiment.

Hey, why not fuck Caleb too? I mean, can't get him preg­nant (without cheat­ing) but still. Why not. We're at it anyway.

Other chicks we screwed this episode:

Yeah they're not bad. Except what with that one chick's high­lighter? Or blush? Or white­face? What the fuck?

I was gonna make this epis­ode longer but I GOT ALL THESE TODDLERS TO SHOW TO YOU!

Summer's kid.

The gar­derner we fucked.

That chick we had to screw a bazilion times before she got preg­nant. HE LOOKS SO NORMAL TOO.

And that Unf­lirty, Hates Chil­dren woman GOT TWINS! The girl looks remark­ably nor­mal. Interesting.

Next epis­ode, more fuck­ing. Nat­ur­ally. Stay tuned.

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