Welcome to Fidget Spinner. Spinner. Finger Spinner. Why is this game called 3 different things in 3 different places… I'm going to call it Fidget Spinner: THE GAME ™ from now on. Anyway, enough stalling, more playing. Let's start the game.
This looks kind of fun. Oh, wait, this is just an ad. This non-interactive ad already looks like more fun than the game I am about to play. I present you Fidget Spinner: THE GAME ™.
Ugh, why am I doing this to myself? Anyway, yes, you guessed right, you spin the spinner to spin enough spins so you can get some spin coins to spend it on a better spinner to spin.
The coins were so worth it. Except not. Why is this happening to me? What made me click this devil-spawn of a game?
But wait! There's more!
Of course, the game wouldn't be complete without something to spend the coins on. And nothing is more hip and edgy than stickers so you can customise your very own spinner to spin.
Anyway, there are some more options but I lost all my will (if found, please leave a comment, I need my will). We'll end here, and I'll go drink my weight in vodka. Hopefully, an alcohol-induced memory loss will help me forget this.