You asked for it! Both couples try for a baby and we do not cheat to find out anything about the pregnancies! We'll come back to this later.
Kenta's parents work a lot, luckily Ruby loves kids so she's taking care of this little one on herself too. Such a good vampire.
Oh yes! Our restaurant is here! I made Caleb the owner.
Our first night open and of course a fucking critic shows up. Time for ass-kissing.
Made an artsy shot from the kitchen, just for you all.
Aaaaaand of course the waiter DROPS THE PLATE FOR THE CRITIC! ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW! If Ruby was the owner this waiter would've been punished. Luckily though, Caleb is a nice guy. He only sends her to extra training.
Well, the second plate reaches the table, luckily.
You know that your butler goes wherever you go? Very nice when you run a restaurant. She cleans up after you.
Also requested, Akira and Fleur getting married! Congrats to the newlyweds!
Meanwhile Caleb has taken on meditation.
Guess who's pregnant! Both of them! Caleb is the only one who needed some time to get used to that.
There's only one thing I wanted to do. Go eat in a restaurant myself.
Look at that magnificent dish. I only forgot one little tiny bit…
Ruby actually can't eat normal food. I picked that as a weakness for her. Oops.
Well then, time for a new poll! A naming poll, once again! But we're gonna do it a little bit different now. Pick a fandom (or add your own) where you want the names to come from!