This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Sims 4, Vam­pire Adventures

You asked for it! Both couples try for a baby and we do not cheat to find out any­thing about the preg­nan­cies! We'll come back to this later.

Kenta's par­ents work a lot, luck­ily Ruby loves kids so she's tak­ing care of this little one on her­self too. Such a good vampire.

Oh yes! Our res­taur­ant is here! I made Caleb the owner.

Our first night open and of course a fuck­ing critic shows up. Time for ass-kissing.

Made an artsy shot from the kit­chen, just for you all.

Aaaaaand of course the waiter DROPS THE PLATE FOR THE CRITIC! ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW! If Ruby was the owner this waiter would've been pun­ished. Luck­ily though, Caleb is a nice guy. He only sends her to extra training.

Well, the second plate reaches the table, luckily.

You know that your but­ler goes wherever you go? Very nice when you run a res­taur­ant. She cleans up after you.

Also reques­ted, Akira and Fleur get­ting mar­ried! Con­grats to the newlyweds!

Mean­while Caleb has taken on meditation.

Guess who's preg­nant! Both of them! Caleb is the only one who needed some time to get used to that.

There's only one thing I wanted to do. Go eat in a res­taur­ant myself.

Look at that mag­ni­fi­cent dish. I only for­got one little tiny bit…

Ruby actu­ally can't eat nor­mal food. I picked that as a weak­ness for her. Oops.

Well then, time for a new poll! A nam­ing poll, once again! But we're gonna do it a little bit dif­fer­ent now. Pick a fan­dom (or add your own) where you want the names to come from!

Pick names from this fan­dom!
Series Nav­ig­a­tion<< Sims 4, Vam­pire Adven­tures (part 9)

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