This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series Sims 4, Vam­pire Adventures


Wel­come back! Lamia is learn­ing how to dance from her mom. Isn't that adorable?

Since my fam­ily is get­ting big, I built another house. This one is for Akira, Fleur and their fam­ily. Not that they… Actu­ally… Stay in their own house.

Lamia is pro­gress­ing her tod­dler skills quite nicely. Though she hates the memory cards. A lot.

And look at this! Our dead but­ler came to hang out as a ghost!

So I made him hal­lu­cin­ate. Yes. I am scum.

Have a small tour of For­got­ten Hol­low. This place has a lot of hid­den features.

Mean­while Lamia was talk­ing to the ghost.

And Caleb made some donuts. Hueh.

The but­ler still has some fire­works, and is slowly burn­ing through them.

Look at these nerds, still going strong.

There was a fest­ival, so I made Fleur go. She tried to eat the flam­ing curry but failed.

So we bought some mer­chand­ise instead.

You could eat new, exotic foods. Fleur ate some dango. I can't unhear that dumb song now. Dang it.

You know, this song.

Mean­while, Fleur was get­ting 'lif­ted' on bubbles.


Look, look! Lamia can climb the stairs now!!

Also, I placed a paint­ing on two win­dows. I'm a professional.

Akira's new home has an aquar­ium, so I sent Akira out to catch some fish. He ended up catch­ing one.

After that, one of his old room­ies invited him to hang out.

Look at that view. Seriously.

Akira really liked this bar.

And of course, as a karaōke legend, he had to sing a song.

Back home, IT WAS TIME.

For… One… Baby? Really? Dang it Sims. Well, here's Kenta!

This is where I leave you. With a fun new poll too. Vote on some­thing, I don't care.

What's next?
  • A mar­riage 50%, 1 vote
    1 vote 50%
    1 vote – 50% of all votes
  • A plot twist* 50%, 1 vote
    1 vote 50%
    1 vote – 50% of all votes
  • I dunno think of some­thing your­self for once 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
  • A preg­nancy 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
  • A death 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 2
19th Feb­ru­ary 20171st March 2017
Vot­ing is closed
Series Nav­ig­a­tion<< Sims 4, Vam­pire Adven­tures (part 7)Sims 4, Vam­pire Adven­tures (part 9) >>

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