This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Sims 4, Vam­pire Adventures

Excuse me if this epis­ode has a lot of ram­bling. I'm kinda drunk. There was this great new beer I wanted to try out. Yup.

To make up for it, please have Chester:


Well, now you've all met my new best friend (screw you Cuddles, you're old news), let's con­tinue with the story.

Ok so we left off with these two woohoo'ing. And with Ruby pregnant.

Appar­ently Ruby liked the woo­hoo so much she spawned the whim to get engaged to Caleb. And who am I to say no? Well, tech­nic­ally I could've said no but whatever. They're engaged. And liv­ing together.

Mak­ing room for Caleb's coffin meant repla­cing the pipe organ to another room. It now has three garden gnomes as friends. They look like they come straight outta the hood. Feel free to name them. And their new mixtape.

So this vam­pire man made him­self known to Ruby too. And holy fuck look at that face! I'd want pret­tier kids, sorry mister.

Talk about vam­pires mak­ing them­selves known, Ruby is attract­ing quite a crowd of male vam­pires. His fash­ion sense is hor­rible though, so he's not a bet­ter match than Caleb.

Mean­while Miss Vamps was start­ing to show off a baby bump.

And then this. The but­ler has been really annoy­ing. Not clean­ing dirty plates, walk­ing in on Ruby while she was bathing, stand­ing in front of the TV while Ruby was watch­ing a movie…

When that annoy­ing little shit fol­lowed Ruby all the way to the art gal­lery to pester her, Ruby had enough. And you should never anger a preg­nant vampire.

She was very preg­nant, by the way.

Any­way, back to the but­ler. Ruby angrily decided to unwill­ingly con­vert her. She's gonna become an eternal creature of the night. And a but­ler. Should rename her to Sebastian when I get the chance.

Vam­pires have no reflec­tion. Look at that. Isn't that awesome.

And then the baby was com­ing! After a lot of huff­ing and puff­ing, Ruby's daugh­ter was born…

Say hello to Lamia! I dunno who sug­ges­ted that name but I like it so I took it. Look at these proud par­ents. Well, one proud par­ent and Caleb.

Ok, onto the poll! Since babies are only babies for two Sims days (and you're preg­nant for three) we gotta fig­ure out Lamia's tod­dler trait! You can't add answers to this poll, I'm afraid, since there aren't any more traits in the game.

Lamia should get this trait:
  • Silly 50%, 1 vote
    1 vote 50%
    1 vote – 50% of all votes
  • Charmer 50%, 1 vote
    1 vote 50%
    1 vote – 50% of all votes
  • Fussy 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
  • Wild 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
  • Angelic 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
  • Inquis­it­ive 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
  • Inde­pend­ent 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
  • Clingy 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes – 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 2
27th Janu­ary 201729th Janu­ary 2017
Vot­ing is closed
Series Nav­ig­a­tion<< Sims 4, Vam­pire Adven­tures (part 2)Sims 4, Vam­pire Adven­tures (part 4) >>

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