Yo! I am smeen and this is part one of my Sims 4 CYOA. I write a bit, and you decide what happens next! This will be great!
Since Vampires have just entered the game, I made a vampire for this, with a new wish too. (you can click the images to see them better)
This is Ruby Redwing (don't question my naming skills), Lady and vampire. This is her 'human' disguise. I haven't actually used her dark form yet, but I will in future parts. She wants to become the matriarch of a great vampire family. Just so you know, this can be done through babies, or converting Sims.
This is Ruby's butler. Vampires have butlers, obviously. She cooks Ruby dinner even if she feeds off of Sims. Very weird.
This is Cuddles, Llama of Death. He's Ruby's best friend. He's also a statue.
Well, now the household has been introduced, let's start this episode!
To be able to convert normal Sims to vampires, Ruby needs to level up as a vampire. And to level up as a vampire, you gotta read up on the lore. So Ruby spends her days reading. The sun would burn her anyway (yes, vampires get set on flames in the sun) so going outside isn't an option at all. At least, not during the day.
By the way, did I mention that Ruby lives next to the batcave? Because she does. Batman lives close to her.
Ruby actually got bored from reading, and she decided to head to the city. Because the best place to meet Sims that could potentially join the vampire clan is obviously the karaōke bar. Or because Ruby was feeling some Plasma Jane's. Whatever her reason was, she went out.
And there, we found this guy. He sang beautifully and I knew that Ruby needed to meet him. His jacket is nice too. He'd make a great vampire.
So, while Ruby was chatting up with her newfound interest, these two girls joined in. The more the merrier, so Ruby made them all her new friends. All of them. If they won't join the fam, at least they'll join her for dinner. As the dinner.
And, while Ruby was guzzling up another Plasma Jane (they're Bloody Mary's ok) this girl with the pink top said hi. AND LOOK AT THOSE HUGE BAZONGERS! Like, she literally has the biggest tits I've ever seen on a Sim.
The karaōke bar got quite silent at 4 in the morning, so Ruby went home. She studied even more, and she now has the power to convert Sims to vampires!
So, while Ruby is tending her indoors garden, it's time to set up our first poll! What should Ruby do? Use her new powers on one of the karaōke bar friends? Get a vampire boyfriend? Convert the butler? Or do you have an even better suggestion? Let me know!
- Get a vampire boyfriend 67%, 2 votes2 votes 67%2 votes – 67% of all votes
- Convert a karaōke bar friend 33%, 1 vote1 vote 33%1 vote – 33% of all votes
- Convert the butler 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes – 0% of all votes
*claps slowly*
I have no idea how this will end but I already know the ending will be a beautiful disaster.
My Sim LPs are usually beautiful disasters. I have a habit of completely getting attached to one and completely destroying the lives of everybody else.
Someone once ruined the dollhouse of my fave child. Twice. I killed him.