have you found a game to play yet?
Asked Smeen one day. You see, if this was any other person I'd reply "What game did you find for me to play?". But that wasn't any other person, that was Smeen, and I immediately tried to remember if it's still early enough for a shopping trip to buy a shovel to bury myself with. But I had to be brave. I gathered all my courage, and prepared my lengthy reply. Believe me, there were graphs made. "No", I said. And that's how I got sent a link to a game called Tsundere Sharks. Oh joy. Anyway, end of story time.
Welcome to Tsundere Sharks!
Wait, no, that's just an ad. Let's try again.
Welcome to Tsundere Sharks! The game where you… shark. Probably. Oh, hey let's try the first button on the top left!
And I present you what is probably the most normal and predictable thing about this whole game. Other buttons and swipes take you to a shop where you pay with little red ribbons, achievements, scoreboards and multiplayer to share confusion with your friends I guess.
But that's enough stalling. Let's play the game.
So uh… I am the most senpai of sharks getting chased by tsundere sharks trying to maul me. To death. Okay I don't know if this is funny or or murder. Although it's not like the two are exclusive. Also, I don't think I can help you study while being dead, sorry.
There's not much more to the game, though. You swim around trying to catch eye of some cute shark ladies, then try to run swim very fast away from them and get chomped. Rinse. Repeat. Chomp. Although, there's one thing I have to really, really complain about. It's probably the biggest flaw this game could possibly have.
I can't stop playing, send help.