Chapter 5: Wrong!
For someone who didn’t know how to use the internet, Chihon was a fast learner. In 10 minutes she had the basics down, courtesy of Pavel and Luna. Yuugi occasionally said something, but held his eyes closed. Even Hikaru tried to help, after accepting the plan as the best plan they could make at the moment.
“Oh look, we already found a way to track the files! That wasn’t hard at all!”, Luna cheered.
“Probably because they didn’t think we could actually track it at all.”, Chihon muttered.
“Well, that makes them stupid.”, Pavel said.
“Yuugi, are you okay?”, Hikaru asked quietly. Yuugi nodded. Hikaru sighed in response. She was still not okay with this. Not okay with this at all. At that moment, however, Yuugi opened his eyes widely.
“It’s another android!”, he said loudly.
The others were silent for a while. Pavel and Luna both stared intensely at the screen to discover what Yuugi just found, but Chihon nodded. “Makes sense. Somehow.”
“It’s almost the same operating system as I run on. I recognized it easily.”, Yuugi continued. Chihon nodded understanding. “Good thing we have this settled. No zombie virus then?”
Yuugi shook his head.
Well, that was good. Sort of. In a weird and unsettling way.
Now to make a new plan.
“Say, android-kid.”, Pavel started. “You think that the android made the virus? Or did somebody put it in it?”
Yuugi thought about it for a while. “Androids can only do what is programmed.”, he replied. “So even if it made the virus, that was because it was programmed to do so.”
“That is so wrong…”, Hikaru said.
And everybody agreed.