This entry is part 13 of 26 in the series Dreamfic Series

Chapter 3: Survivors

The three of them decided to visit the Gaikok­une house­hold soon after. Chi­hon was con­vinced Haruki had some­thing to do with the sud­den out­break, and although Hikaru kept deny­ing it on the way home, the lib­rar­ian was true.

Tsk.” Chi­hon poked both of the boys that were sleep­ing on the floor. “You thought they would be smarter than this.” Hikaru scoffed. “You don’t need to be all neg­at­ive about my brother all the time.”

Yes I do. Espe­cially now. This was ridicu­lously stu­pid.”, Chi­hon replied.

You are so rude- ”, Hikaru star­ted, but she was cut off by the lack of the buzz­ing sound in the back­ground. Both females looked at the com­puter and saw that Yuugi stopped the sample from loop­ing. “Do you think it’s fixed now?”, he asked. “Go see for your­self.”, Chi­hon replied. Yuugi poked both Haruki and Joëll until a reg­u­lar per­son would snap, but it didn’t work. “Well, at least you tried.”, Chi­hon said.

Well, let’s think about more ideas.”, Hikaru added. Chi­hon nod­ded. Yuugi sighed. “You two need to play more zom­bie sur­vival games. We gotta look for other people still awake!” Again, both girls looked at him. “Actu­ally, not a bad idea, although I don’t like the idea of play­ing said games.”, Chi­hon answered. “And the per­son spread­ing this should be awake too.”, Yuugi con­tin­ued. Chi­hon nod­ded. “One thing though.”, Hikaru said calmly. “I doubt there are a lot of people who never used the inter­net, like Chihon.”


Even if Hikaru thought there would be no ‘sur­viv­ors’, she ran into a liv­ing creature under the bridge. Her name was Maya, and she appeared to be an android. When Hikaru asked her to come with her, she declined though… Not that Maya seemed to have any interest in any­thing. So Hikaru went back to her house without any­one com­ing with her. She silently hoped Chi­hon and Yuugi found someone, but she didn’t really believe it.

Too bad she was totally wrong.

Chi­hon arrived first, drag­ging someone along with her. “Hikaru,” she star­ted. “This is Pavel. He claims to be a vam­pire.” Pavel shrugged. “You keep say­ing I ‘claim’ to be vam­pire, but I really am.”, he replied. “Nice to meet you, by the way. You look lovely.” Just when Pavel said this, Yuugi appeared from above them, hov­er­ing next to Hikaru in an instant. “Excuse me mis­ter vam­pire, but she’s my girl­friend.” Above them, someone let out a vast “Boo yeah!” When Hikaru looked up, she saw a girl, also float­ing in mid-air. She landed grace­fullu, and took a bow.

Name’s Luna, Luna Sen­ritsu. I’m a shinigami so I sur­vived the zom­bie virus!”

Both Chi­hon and Hikaru looked at each other, and then glared at Yuugi. He grinned. “It’s like a zom­bie virus, right?” Pavel and Luna nod­ded in reply. The other two could only sigh.

Series Nav­ig­a­tion<< Spread.wav, Chapter 2Spread.wav, Chapter 4 >>

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