This entry is part 23 of 26 in the series Dreamfic Series

Chapter 13, Baesment!

That was the worst bunch of bad guys ever.”, Yuugi said. “They didn’t even explode any­thing, or kid­nap someone or-“

Shut up Yuugi.”

Hikaru had taken the liberty of lead­ing the group through the build­ing. Although she had no idea where to go, and the oth­ers weren’t actu­ally help­ing. At all.

I bet we have to go to the base­ment.”, Yuugi con­tin­ued, com­pletely ignor­ing Chihon’s earlier order for him to shut up. “Bad guys are always doing stuff in the base­ment.” Pavel nod­ded, look­ing dead-serious. “Unless there’s trouble in para­dise.” Chi­hon sighed deeply. “That’s not what the phrase means, Pavel. “, she muttered, but Pavel, just like Yuugi, was com­pletely ignor­ing it. Even though, Hikaru thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go check the base­ment any­way. They haven’t been there yet. What could pos­sibly happen?

Well, Luna com­plain­ing about clichés, Pavel brag­ging about his night vis­ion and Chi­hon almost fall­ing from the stairs. But to Hikaru, that was actu­ally an unevent­ful des­cend. The only thing that was both­er­ing her was that it was pitch black in the base­ment, and judging by the way that their voices echoed, it also was big as hell. Great.

Grop­ing around the walls (and Yuugi mak­ing a joke about grop­ing around the walls) Chi­hon found the light switch and the lights of the base­ment flickered on. They made this buzz­ing noise that Hikaru could best describe as ‘Yuugi when it rains’ and it gave her a legit bad guy hideout-feel. Said boy­friend was hov­er­ing next to her and eye­ing the light bulbs sus­pi­ciously. Hikaru looked at them too, but noticed noth­ing wrong. She sighed and shook her head. Stu­pid boyfriend.

Uhm, guys, look at this…”, Luna said. “There’s a beau­ti­ful lady sit­ting here.”, Pavel added. Chi­hon, in her turn, groaned. “You think every lady is beau­ti­ful, mind you. Don’t go off try­ing to court every female on this planet, will you.” Pavel just smirked.

Yuugi and Hikaru walked over to the oth­ers. Although Yuugi was still hov­er­ing. Stu­pid boy­friend. Sit­ting in a circle of machinery sat a girl, wrapped in a red piece of cloth. She looked at Pavel with a smile. “It’s fine mis­ter, I see it as a compliment.”

Although it was not okay.

It was so not okay that Yuugi punched Pavel in the face. “Don’t you start hit­ting on my sis­ter you bloodsucker!”

Series Nav­ig­a­tion<< Spread.wav, Chapter 12Spread.wav, Chapter 14 >>

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