Chapter 12: Strife! (part 5)
Hikaru inspected the window. Locked from the inside, the room wasn’t lit. It wasn’t double glazing so one well-located kick could break it. But Hikaru’s rebellious streak kicked in instead, and she loaded her snowball cannon with a rock.
Needless to say; the window broke.
Hikaru jumped through the broken window and entered the office, taking her weapon with her without any effort at all.
“Well, hello THERE visitor.”
The voice was distorted. Like 7 or more voices were trying to form one uniform thing but heavily failing to do so. “I suspect you came with the other criminals breaking into MY office, right?”
Hikaru looked around but couldn’t find where the voice came from. “Don’t you try to FUCKING look for ME. I’m not HERE anyway.” Hikaru shuddered. “You don’t have to talk like that, y’know.”, she muttered. “SHUT UP! YOU are the one who foiled MY masterplan, you know that? If you weren’t DEAF I would’ve won!”
“I’m not deaf! I can hear you perfectly thank you very much!”, Hikaru yelled at the voice, which seemed to come from nowhere in particular. “Not like THAT. You can’t hear the .WAV so you’re basically IMMUNE to the virus. Like you are already DEAD anyway.”
Well that explained a lot.
Hikaru had to think of a plan for a while, but decided that talking was a good thing to try. “So, if your plan is already ruined, can we shut down the android that is spreading the virus?”
It was silent for a while, but then: “Yeah whatever I DON’T CARE ANYMORE.”
Hikaru met up with the others in the hallway. They all looked satisfied, but Hikaru knew the hardest part would be coming now. Good thing everybody looked ready.
Not that it was the best party to have. But it was all she had right now.