Chapter 3: Witch?
“Good morning. You are listening to the news of 7 AM. Computers nationwide have been struck by a yet unknown viru-“
“But what if he killed me Haruki? I wake up covered in scratches and bruises every morning what if he actually killed me in my dream? Would I be dead? I would, wouldn’t I?”
Hikaru felt bad for shouting at her brother, but she was seriously scared of her nightmares. Even more than previously. But Haruki couldn’t help it. He felt helpless, watching how his sister mysteriously got damaged every night. He tried to see what was causing it, but the wounds seemed to appear out of the blue while she was sleeping. He just didn’t understand. “Let’s just… Go to school.”, he muttered. Hikaru kept silent, and nodded.
“… warm and a small chance of rain in the evening. Have a nice day!”
“But, did you hear there has been a witch-hunt here?”, Ryszard asked Haruki, who shook his head. “Whoa you gotta pay attention in history classes bro!”, Joëll told him. “Yeah, I should…”, Haruki muttered. “Can you guys tell me what I have missed?” His friends nodded. “Just come over after school, we’ll tell you everything.”, Joëll said.
Hikaru looked at her phone. “Haruki’s gonna stay over.”, she told Yuugi. Her friend shrugged. “Fine, we don’t have to wait for him then. Let’s go home, school’s boring.” Hikaru couldn’t agree more. “Where’s Mister Cactloid, by the way?”, she asked. Their math-teacher hasn’t been showing up lately. “Apparently he’s broken. Haven’t you heard?”, Yuugi answered. “Oh, I remember, you slept through class when they told that!” Yuugi smirked at Hikaru, who sighed deeply. Yuugi didn’t come up with a rude remark tho, he just yawned. “I’m sorry, I’m a bit low on energy…”, he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “No worries. We’ll be home soon.”, Hikaru said. Yuugi nodded. “You gotta charge up too, unless you wanna keep missing stuff!”, he told Hikaru, who scoffed. “You’re being very considerate for someone who copies his homework.” And Yuugi giggled lightly.
But he was right though. Hikaru should figure out these dreams soon, before she would lose her life completely.